Focal Person: LGOO Myrna B. Felicilda


      1. All government agencies including LGUs are required and mandated to prepare and submit their Annual GAD Plan and Budget;
        • GAD is one of the thematic area in the LGUs’ CDP
      2. Recognize the fundamental equality of women and men before the law
        • Section 14, Article II, 1987 Constitution: The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.


        1. Set the GAD Agenda
          • In consultation with local functionaries or stakeholders, the LGU GFPS shall set the GAD agenda or identify priority gender issues to be addressed by the LGU during the three-year term of its leadership.
        2. Identify Appropriate PAPS to Address Priority Gender Issues
          • PAPs may be client-focused or organization-focused
        3. Fill out GAD PB Templates:
          • (Refer to JMC 2016-01 Annex D: Guide in Completing the LGU GAD Plan and
  • DILG’s vital role: Under RA 9710: The Magna Carta of Women was passed in 2009; Human rights for Filipino Women
  • The DILG was tasked to review LGUs GAD plan and budget for integration to LGUs AIP and Annual Budget.