All government agencies including LGUs are required and mandated to prepare and submit their Annual GAD Plan and Budget;
GAD is one of the thematic area in the LGUs’ CDP
Recognize the fundamental equality of women and men before the law
Section 14, Article II, 1987 Constitution: The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.
Set the GAD Agenda
In consultation with local functionaries or stakeholders, the LGU GFPS shall set the GAD agenda or identify priority gender issues to be addressed by the LGU during the three-year term of its leadership.
Identify Appropriate PAPS to Address Priority Gender Issues
PAPs may be client-focused or organization-focused
Fill out GAD PB Templates:
(Refer to JMC 2016-01 Annex D: Guide in Completing the LGU GAD Plan and
DILG’s vital role: Under RA 9710: The Magna Carta of Women was passed in 2009; Human rights for Filipino Women
The DILG was tasked to review LGUs GAD plan and budget for integration to LGUs AIP and Annual Budget.