For the new employees, perhaps a lot of catching up must be done for you to be comfortable with how things are done in LGMED. Mistakes are allowed, of course, but please, if you do not understand something the first time, don’t blame other people; instead, own up to your mistakes. Ask questions help from other people in the division.

  • Everything in its place and a place for everything

  • All LGMED staff follow a checklist provided by Stat Luna on the items that must be in their respective work/computer tables.

  • No food is allowed to be stored in the work/computer tables.

  • Per Regional Advisory 2021.01.05, all staff must conduct 5s in their workstations every Friday from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

  • Conduct weekly clean up in respective drawers / tables.

  • At all times, maintain orderliness and cleanliness in the LGMED premises

  • Computer cables (i.e. wires for mouse, keyboard, web camera) are organized and tagged.

  • While at work

  1. Bags are to be kept under your desks. It shouldn’t be lying around, or on the floor or on your table.

  2. Office documents are to be kept in the the filing drawers / filing cabinets

  • After office hours

  1. Don’t leave anything on your table except the bottle of rubbing alcohol

  2. Your chair must face your office table not your computer table

  3. Temperature officer on Fridays will inspect office tables and workplace

Role of designated Quality Workplace Committee Member

Every last Friday of the month, QWC members shall administer an inspection to their assigned office using the 5S Inspection Checklist. The accomplished checklist shall then be submitted/uploaded to https://bit.ly/3yxDdU7 every 1st Monday of the ensuing month.

LGMED 5s Briefer

LGMED 5S Checklists

  • Ease in employee onboarding

  • Lessen learning curve

  • Personnel bulletin

Compilation of Google links that are very vital to daily office operations. The links are grouped by function.

  • Trackers – links used to track reports & rating, timelines, accomplishments, status of funds

  • Events / Trainings / Activities – links used in the conduct of an activity, events, trainings, copies of memo briefs and post activity reports

  • Communication – links used to prepare and track communications including sample communications

  • Administrative Forms – forms used to file PDs, clearances, leave, request vehicle ets

  • LGMED PPAS – list of all PPAS handled by LGMED

  • Knowledge Products – KPs, AVPs, references created, managed and stored by the division

  • Targets – Links to all IPCR / DPCR since 2016

  • Provision of TA – links used when providing TA

  • Health and Wellness – links for tracking health and wellness

  • About Us – links on emergency contact details, QP, Core Values, Equipment & Inventory and LGMED Orientation for New Employees

  • Directory – links to directories managed, LCES, League Officers

  • YNAW – old files, archived reports, old PPAs and files of former LGMED personnel

  • ETC

The Bulletin Board System (BBS) is used as a scorecard to measure how well DILG field offices are complying with various reports. The field offices’ scores will be used as one of the bases for evaluating their overall performance in relation to the DILG 10-Parangal System.

How to add report to the Bulletin Board System
  1. Access https://tinyurl.com/dilgxbbsnew

  2. Click the “Add New Report” button at the upper right corner of the header. Do not manually insert rows.

  3. Enter the title of the report and click the “Submit” button.

  4. Fill up cells under column “Division/Unit”, “Focal Person” and “Deadline”. The columns “Date Added” and “Due In” are prefilled by the system.

  5. Hyperlink the title of the report and reference (@) with its corresponding template/form and issuances, respectively.

How to rate field offices compliance
  1. Access https://tinyurl.com/dilgxbbsnew

  2. Under the name of the DILG field office parallel to the report’s title, rate their compliance using the following rating scale

5 – 100% compliance on report requirements and on-time submission of the same

4 – 100% compliance on report requirements but 1-3 days late on the submission of the same

3 – 100% compliance on report requirements but more than 3 days late on the submission of the same

3 – 76-99% compliance on report requirements and on time on the submission of the same

2 – 51-75% compliance on report requirements whether on time or late on the submission of the same

1 – 50% and below compliance on report requirements whether on time or late submission of the same.

0 – No Submission

“-” – The report does not apply to the field office.

  1. On the worksheets “BUK,” “CAM,” LDN,” MOC,” and “MOR,” don’t enter anything in columns A to G.

  2. To make sure that the report titles and the field office’s scores are in sync, periodically check the Alignment Checker sheet.

Other clickable links:

“VIEW SCORECARD” – directs you to the monthly scorecard of the DILG field offices

“View List of Reports 2023” – directs you to the CY 2023 List of Reports under LGMED.




Column A : MFO / PPAS

Sourced from the DPCR

Column B : Success Indicators

Sourced from the DPCR

Column D : Deliverables and Accomplishments

  • Actionable items in memo briefs / post activity reports
  • Next steps / Synthesis during meetings
  • OPB
  • Communications from DMS
  • Instructions from supervisors
  • From List of Reports (due for the week)
  • Reminders on next steps

Column E : Remarks Hindrance / Issues

Remarks that may hinder in the implementation of the program / activity

Column F : Focal Person


Column G : Output / Role

Role to be done for ex : facilitation, resource person, technical support, networking, etc.

Column H : Priority

Low – important and must be done in over 6 days

Medium – important and must be done within the next 5 days

High – important and must be done in the next 3 days

Column I : Status




On Hold

In progress

Not Started

Column J : Due On


Column K : Start Date


Column L : Date Finished




A memo brief provided to RD regarding LGMED Status of Funds. Updated everytime a new FAD will provide us with funds downloaded. Always coordinate with FAD if there are arriving funds for any PPAs – so that we can monitor / implement stuff. Prepare necessary documents for release of funds



Column A : PPA / SARO #

SARO # provided by FAD

Column B : UACS

SARO # provided by FAD

Column C: FUNDS AS OF __________

SARO # provided by FAD

Column D : Activities/Projects

Activities to be done

Column E : Amount Disbursed/to be disbursed

Column G : Balance

A Google Sheet of all PPAs for audit, showing indicative timelines, the purpose of the audit, and the committees to be involved

Link: 2023 LGMED PPA Timelines




Column A : Report

Name of Report

Column B : References

Legal Basis / Bases for the report

Column C : Requesting Office

Agency / Office that requests the report

Column D : Google Link / Email Address

Google link for the report

Column E : Frequency





One Time

Column F : Deadline from Province / HUC to RO

Deadline to RO

Column G: Deadline from RO to CO

Deadline to CO

Column H : FP

Focal Person


Color legend for columns F & G




Done Report

Light Green

Due in 30 days

Light Red

Due in 7 days

No color

Not yet due in 30 day

Light Purple

Monitoring is stopped / suspended


Awaiting Guidelines CO





Date & Frequency

LCD projector

February 3 (annual)



Air purifier

January 5 and every 3 months after (quarterly)

Battery Replacement for all RCs/ mouse / etc

January 6 (annual)


January 3th (annual)


February 15th and every 3 months after (quarterly)

Water dispenser

January 3 and every 3 months after (quarterly)

Telephone system


PCs & printers

April 24 (semestral)




January 24 (annual)





AVPs / Program Prologue or https://tinyurl.com/programprologue 

Canned Lupang Hinirang

Canned Prayer

Canned Bayat LGOO

DILG Virtual Backgrounds – https://tinyurl.com/dilgvirtualbackground

containing any virtual background which can be used

Safety Briefing and House Rules – https://tinyurl.com/SafetyBriefingAndHouseRules


Safety Briefing and House Rules

Ice Breakers – https://tinyurl.com/sampleIceBreakers


Ice breakers

Meeting Etiquette – https://tinyurl.com/lgmedetiquette

Meeting Etiquette

Template for Certificate –



2023 Certificate Control No.

Templates of the following:

  • Certificate of appreciation
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Certificate of participation

Template Honorarium for Resource Speakers –



Honorarium for Resource Speakers

Evaluation Forms

Evaluation Forms link 

  • Catering Services Evaluation
  • Hotel & Accommodation Evaluation
  • Post-Training Evaluation

Training Managers Sheets https://tinyurl.com/managerssheets 

Training checklist

Purchase request (PR) –


please refer to How to PR below

– Use the PMS application installed on your PC; if it is not yet installed, ask for assistance from RICTU.


– If you don't have an account request account creation from RICTU)

Lessons Learned https://tinyurl.com/lessonslearnedtem



Include debriefing after conduct of activities so as not to repeat mistakes from the past.


Why do we debrief? A. To maintain what went well, B. To improve on what went wrong, are we learning from our mistakes?

No repeated mistakes

Don't multitask; multitasking is a mortal sin.








Column A : Column Date for Signature

Date registered in DMS

Column B: Date Released

Date emailed / released by Records Section. This is in Red if the document is not yet released by the Records Section, then the color is removed and changed with the date released. The column may also be shaded in yellow if the document need not be monitored


Coordinate with ORD & Records Section to make sure that all documents are released not more than 24 hours

Column C : For RD

signatory is RD

Column D :  For ARD

signatory is ARD

Column E : Document Owner

Document Owner

Column F : Keep?

contents of message / memo / communication must be transferred in a note in Google Keep to be texted to FOUs

Column G : BBS Link?

as much as possible, all reports are in the BBS form

Column H : List of Reports?

if it is a report, it should be listed in the List of Reports

Column I : CIC Posting?

Memo / note is ok for CIC

Column J : Must be Followed Up with CO

shade the cell in blue if it needs to be followed up

Column K : Document Number / Subject

Copy Document # and Subject Title from DMS



  • All LGMED photos are stored here since 2012

  • After each activity, photos of an event/activity/meeting are uploaded into a new album named in the following format : yyyy.mm.dd name of activity

  • Contains all our documents and files – important that we have a structure on how stuff are filed / sorted especially in the common folders. all will have their personal folders – you can put anything in it as long as common files are maintained in proper order

    • Storage – folders of former LGMED personnel

    • YNAW

    • 00 All Admin Related

    • 00 All Directories

    • 00 All ISO Related

    • 05 Cloud Computing

    • Training Activity Manager’s Checklist (COVID-19 Times)

  • Electronic Bulletin Board. Contains reports / policies / pronouncements that we need to remind / inform our FOUs, generally through SMS by the DC to PDs/CDs/CDS/CLs/PMs cc LGMED personnel

  • Labels on notes are :

    • Report – Annual, Report – Daily, Report – Monthly, Report – One Time, Report – Semestral, Report – Weekly and Report – Daily

    • LGMED Bulletin

    • Policy Dissemination

  • LGMED FP – opens a new note to post

    • After a communication is finalized, marked with a document number on the header of the communication, gist is copied by the LGMED FP to a new Google note

    • Google Keep Alarms – generally 2 days before the deadline

    • Gist of policy / MC / advisory

      • Who

      • What

      • When

      • Where

      • how

    • Report

      • Title of report

      • Reference

      • Reporting Deadline


Drawer / Cabinet Number



Reference Materials /  Previous Years' RPOC Agenda Folders


2022 SGLG files (RAT documents)


Masterlist of Local Officials


Masterlist of Local Officials


Bond paper (open ream) / routing folders / 1 set of UPS


Tarp standee




Old MCs


Old MCs


  • CSIS old files
  • COSERAM related


  • Extension Wire / LCD projector
  • Laptops
  • Borrower’s logbook


  • 3 hole puncher / ring binders / Walter's make up kit
  •  Bond paper (long and A4)


  • Clean expanding folder
  • Clean Kraft envelope
  • Clean Manila paper
  • RPOC banner / & gavel
  • Specialty paper / photo paper
  • RPOC Dividers
  • PVC cover
  • Ballot box


ISO files


Camera / camera tripod / camera / GIZ web camera


Guillotine Cutter (Heavy Duty Cutter) / Cartolina


Table markers






IPCR files


Used folders and envelopes back portion plastic envelopes


Document scanner




















Alcohol dispensers (2 very big ones)






Tissue Paper




Birthday stuff


Eco bag


Paper cups


Plastic trash bag




Face mask / alcohol


Coffee maker


Coffee / coffee filter/ tea / plastic containers


Paper towels and wipes


Wifi Name: LGMED 1 (stationed at Ryan’s table – For Ryan, Lalai and Frelyn)

password: lgmed2022

SSID: GlobeAtHome_CC6C8


Wifi Name: LGMED 4 (stationed at Arvie’s table – For Arvie and Cess)

password: lgmed2022

SSID: GlobeAtHome_CC7C0


  • Inspection Acceptance Report (IAR) (2 copies) – https://tinyurl.com/jn7bmufv

  • Official Receipt (Original) and 1 photocopy (for safekeeping)

  • Activity Design and Checklist

  • ORS – (3 copies)

  • DV- (2copies)

  • Reimbursement Checklist – (2 copies)

  • Copy of approved PR and PPMP (3 copies)

An AVP is prepared to explain the CIC process

  • Purchase requests and PPMP should be submitted to budget section 7 to 14 days before the conduct of the activity / actual need of the item. This is to consider the process of canvassing and other related documents needed to be prepared by the supply section.

  • No need for activity design in preparing PR for Office Supplies. Only Approved PPMP is required UNLESS PR of supplies is charge to training expense, then activity design will be required by the budget officer

  • Activities amounting to more than 50k requires Phil-GEPS posting and BAC Meetings, hence Activity Design, PPMP and PR should be prepared not later than 14 days before the activity.

  • LGMED FP may prepare multiple activity designs under one funding source

  • 1 PPMP per 1 Funding source (SRO)




Column 1: CODE


Column 2: NO. (Number)



Indicate the description of the item and technical specifications (dimension, size, design, type of material/fabric, etc.


How many items do you need


Price per item


Multiply column 4 and column 5

 (no. of items x price per items)


SVP – Small Value Procurement

Lease of Venue –


Put (/) on the month that the activity will be conducted.


  • Use the PMS Application installed in your PC, if not yet installed ask assistance from RICTU.

– If you don’t have an account request account creation from RICTU)

  • Add new PR

  • File Request then Export (save file to your PC)

  • Print (3 copies)


  • Transmittal (2 copies) – https://tinyurl.com/lgmedLiquidationTransmittal

  • Post-Activity Report (Terminal Report)

  • Activity Design

  • Activity Design Review Checklist

  • Attendance Sheet (Original)

  • Scanned Attendance Sheet upload to LGMED Attendance Sheet 2023




1st Sheet : CO Contact Persons

CO Contact Persons

2nd Sheet : All Agencies

Mother directory – if there are changes to be made, this is the sheet to change first

3rd Sheet : RPOC

RPOC Directory

4th Sheet : RPOC TWG

RPOC TWG Directory

5th Sheet : ELCAC

ELCAC Directory

6th Sheet : RIATF

RIATF Directory

7th Sheet : RIATFE

RIATFE Directory

8th Sheet : LTIA

LTIA Directory

9th Sheet : ICAD

ICAD Directory

10th Sheet : RMCC

RMCC Directory

11th sheet : CSBP_RWG

CSBP_RWG Directory

12th Sheet : KP-PDCP

KP-PDCP Directory

13th Sheet : CSIS

CSIS Directory

14th Sheet : LCPC/CFLGA

LCPC/CFLGA Directory



Guide on how to effectively communicate our good governance reforms to our stakeholders, the LGUs, CSOs, and the general public.

  1. Office Working Hour

  2. Forty (40) hours work week

  3. start at 8:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm, not including lunchtime

  1. Use of the Biometric Machine

  1. All employees are required to register their daily attendance through the biometric machine installed

  2. Employees must key-in four (4) data on the biometric machine: log-in and out in the morning and log-in and out in the afternoon.

  3. All Handwritten TIME Entries must be countersigned/ Initialed by their Immediate Supervisor

  4. Perfect Handwritten TIME Entries (8:00-12:00 to 1:00-5:00) are not acceptable, entries must be based as indicated on the log book.

  1. Attachments to the Daily Time Record (DTR)

All Unrecorded Entries on the DTR must have an attached supporting document, to wit:

  • Gate Pass (For those assigned at the Region/Provinces and Cities)

  • Certificate of Appearance/ Training/ Seminar

  • Leave Application/ CTO Form

  • Invitations to Programs/ Activities

  • Log book Entries (Handwritten Time Entries)

  • Work from Home Arrangement

  • Intranet.dilg.gov.ph Attendance Record

  • Process Application for WFH Arrangement

  • SPMS/IPCR form 4


Field Personnel assigned at the different municipalities must seek prior approval from RD/ ARD/ PDs and CDs before leaving their respective stations and correspondingly secure a certificate of appearance.

  1. Logbook and Gate Pass


  1. Every Employee except for the Presidential Appointee (RD, ARD, PD’s and CD’s) is required to log in their attendance in the log book located at the front desk.

  2. The log book will serve as reference for any missing entries on the DTR.

Gate Pass

  1. Any employee who leaves the office, either for personal or official reasons shall secure permission from their supervisor

  2. For Personal reasons

    1. The Gate pass can only be used in between Office hours (8:00 to 12:00)(1:00 to 5:00)

    2. Limited to 2 hours per week any excess will be deducted to your vacation leave credits

    3. Gate pass form (2 copies)

  1. `Falsification of Documents

As per CSC EO 292, SECTION 4, falsification or irregularities in the keeping of time records will render the guilty officer or employee administratively liable without prejudice to criminal prosecution as the circumstances warrant.

  1. Under time/ Tardiness and Absenteeism

  • TARDINESS – the failure of the employee to arrive at a time set, lack of punctuality, or not arriving on time

  • UNDERTIME – the act of leaving the office or workplace before the prescribed time or that which is specified by the Department.

  • HABITUAL TARDINESS – an attendance infraction wherein employees incur tardiness and/ or undertime regardless of the number of minutes per day, ten (10) times a month for at least two (2) consecutive months during the year, or for at least two (2) months in a semester.

  • HABITUAL UNDERTIME – an attendance infraction wherein employees incur undertime regardless of the number of minutes per day, ten (10) times a month for at least two (2) consecutive months during the year, or for at least two (2) months in a semester.

  • HABITUAL ABSENTEEISM – an attendance infraction wherein employees incur unauthorized absences exceeding the allowable 2.5 days monthly leave credits for at least three (3) months in a semester or at least three (3) consecutive months during a year.


  • An employee may be twice tardy and / or undertime in one working day.

    • To illustrate, employees who arrives at 8:31 am then keys-in their out time a few minutes before 12:00 noon, then reports back to work at 1:01 pm and leaves the office before 5:00 pm, will have two (2) counts of tardiness and two (2) counts of undertime – a total of four (4) attendance infractions in just one day.

  • Tardiness and undertime are deducted from the employees’ vacation leave credits or salary when leave credits are already exhausted.

Generally employees of the government who render work during the prescribed office hours, shall be entitled to 15 days vacation, and 15 days sick leave annually, with full pay, without limitation as to the number of days vacation and sick leave that they may accumulate.


Computation of vacation and sick leave shall be made on the basis of one day vacation leave and one day sick leave for every 24 days of actual service or 1.25 per month

  1. Vacation Leave (VL)

  • Must be filed at least 5 days in advance

  1. Force Leave

  • All officials and employees with 10 days or more vacation leave credits shall be required to go on vacation leave whether continuous or intermittent for a minimum of five (5) working days annually.

  • shall be forfeited if not taken during the year. However, in cases where the scheduled leave has been cancelled in the exigency of the service by the head of the agency, the scheduled leave not enjoyed shall no longer be deducted from the total accumulated vacation leave.

  • Those with accumulated vacation leave of less than ten (10) days shall have the option to go on forced leave or not. However, officials and employees with accumulated vacation leave of 15 days who availed of monetization for 10 days, under Section 22 hereof, shall still be required to go on forced leave.”

  1. Sick Leave (SL)

  • Can be filed before, during or after the date of leave

  • In excess of 5 days of more a medical certificate is required.In case of doubt your immediate supervisor can request for a medical Certificate

  • Can be used to attend for the welfare of the Immediate Family

  1. Special Leave Privilege (MC#6)

Limited to 3 days per year

  1. Personal milestones

  2. Parental obligations

  3. Filial obligations

  4. Domestic emergencies

  5. Personal transactions

  6. Calamity, accident, hospitalization leave

  1. Solo Parent Leave (RA 8972); Limit 7 days per year/ EML 15 days

Additional Attachments: Xerox copy of your updated Solo Parent ID (Back to Back)

  1. attend to personal milestones of a child such as birthdays, first communion, graduations and other similar events;

  2. perform parental obligations such as enrollment and attendance in school programs, PTA meetings and the like;

  3. attend to medical, social, spiritual and recreational needs of the child; and

  4. other similar circumstances necessary in the performance of parental duties and responsibilities, where physical presence of a parent is required.

  1. Special Emergency Leave (SEL); Limit 5 days

  1. Earthquakes

  2. Flooding

  3. Volcanic Eruption

  4. Landslide

  1. Special Leave Benefits For Women

  • Minor Surgery (3 weeks maximum)

  • Major Surgery (2 months maximum)

  1. VAWC:10 days

  1. Study Leave; Not more than 6 months (Bar Exam)

Not more than 4 months (Master’s)

Period Grant

Service Obligation

One (1) Month

Six (6) months

Two (2) to Three (3) Months

One (1) Year

More than Three Months

Two (2) Years

  1. Rehabilitation Leave

    1. During the period of disability but not to exceed six (6) months.

    2. shall not be charged against sick or vacation leave credits.

    3. Officials or employees while on rehabilitation privilege do not earn and accumulate vacation and sick leave credits


  • Compensatory Time Off must be filled out using the Compensatory Time-off (CTO) Application Form.

  • Overtime Credit will be used to deduct the CTO and not the Leave Credits

The computation is expressed in number of hours, computed as follows:

  • overtime services rendered on weekdays or scheduled work days:

COC = number of hours of overtime services x 1.0

  • For overtime services rendered on weekends, holidays or scheduled days off:

COC = number of hours of overtime services x 1.5

  • Each employee may accrue not more than forty (40) hours of COCs in a month. In no instance, however, shall the unexpended balance exceed one hundred twenty hours (120) hours

  • The COCS should be used as time-off within the year these are earned until the immediately succeeding year. any unutilized COCs are deemed forfeited. (Amended by CSC-OBM Joint Circular No.2-A, s. 2005)

  • The COCs cannot be used to offset undertime/a or tardiness incurred by the employee during regular working days.

  • The COCs earned cannot be converted into cash, hence, are non- commutative.

  • The COCs will not be added to the regular leave credits of the employee. Hence, it is not part of the accumulated leave credits that are paid out to the employee.

  • Employees on WFH Arrangement is not entitled to receive overtime credits

  • In cases of resignation, retirement, or separation from the service, the unutilized COCs are deemed forfeited.

  • In case of detail or transfer to another agency, the COCs earned in one agency cannot be transferred to another agency, nor could the employee receive monetary equivalent thereof.

  • In case of promotion, except when promoted to a position not qualified to receive overtime pay under previous issuances, the employee will retain his or her accrued COCs

  • The CTO may be availed of in blocks of four (4) or eight (8) hours. Agencies adopting make parallel adjustments alternative work schedules should be in the availment blocks, tantamount to either a half or full day leave form work.

  • The employee may use the CTO continuously up to a maximum of five (5) consecutive days per single availment, or on staggered basis within the year.

  • The employee must first obtain approval from the head of the agency / authorized official regarding the schedule of availment of CTO, however, the schedule may be recalled and subsequently rescheduled by the Head of the Office/authorized official within the year, hence a five days approving period is needed.

Additional ruling (internal):

1.Excluding Mondays for Compensatory Time Off (CTO);

2.Compensatory Time Off (CTO) must be filed five (5) days in advance;

3.Requiring a DTR or any attendance log before a Certificate of Compensatory Overtime Credits (COC) earned can be issued.

4.Employee must request issuance of Certificate of COC earned within 30 days after render of overtime service.

Government agencies may adopt any or a combination of the following alternative work arrangements

1.A. Work from home (WFH)- Refers to an output-oriented work arrangement that authorizes the worker to produce outputs/results and accomplishments outside of the office.

a) Consideration for WFH

i. Employees that are twenty-one (21) years old and below

ii. Employees that are sixty (60) years old and above

iii. Those that are pregnant or have underlying medical conditions

b) Exemptions for the WFH are those whose work is indispensable to the Department.

c) The Office must ensure the following:

i. The employees are given tasks to be performed to the full extent possible in terms of man-days per work week.

ii. Employees under work-from-home shall make themselves available during the work hours that they are at home.

iii.The employees have access to or is provided with any communication equipment or facilities, such as computer/laptop, internet or e-mail, facsimile, telephone or mobile phone.

iv. Appropriate measures such as Pledge of Confidentiality of Information, Data encryptions, etc. are in place to ensure protection of data used and processed by the employees pursuant to Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

v. The confidential and proprietary information are protected and secured at all times.

2. Skeleton (Skeletal) Workforce – refers to a work arrangement where a minimum number of employees is required to man the office to render service when full staffing is not possible.

i.All skeletal work force must be given sufficient compensation like Hazard pay or Compensatory Time Off (CSC-DBM JC No. 2, 2015) subject to accounting and auditing rules and regulations

3.Four (4) day (compressed) work week – refers to a work arrangement whereby the employees’ workweek is compressed to four (4) days each week.

i.Ten (10) hours per day work week

ii.The 4-day workweek may be observed as follows: Monday to Thursday, Tuesday to Friday, Monday to Tuesday and Thursday to Friday or a combination of the 4-day workdays to ensure that there are employees reporting the whole workweek.

iii. In case a regular holiday falls within the scheduled workweek of the employee, the required 40-hour workweek shall be considered as complied except employees of agencies who are required to provide skeleton force in health emergency frontline services, border control and other critical services that is required to operate on a 24/7 work schedule

4.Staggered working hour/ shifting – refers to a work arrangement applicable to offices/agencies that observe work shifting or flexible working time. For this purpose, staggered working hours refers to the existing 24/7 shifting schedule and the flexible working time schedule.

i.The agency shall strategize the adoption of the staggered working hours of employees to limit the number of officials and employees in an office at any given time. Example: 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm, and 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

iii. The agency head, in consultation with the employees, shall prepare the staggered work schedule in light of the present situation.

iv. The agency head shall ensure that the employees remain flexible in making themselves available for work duties outside of core hours if required.

5.Other Alternative Work Arrangements – refer to work arrangements consisting of a combination of the above enumerated work arrangements or other work arrangements appropriate/applicable to the agency subject to the prevailing community quarantine in the area where the agency is located and the nature of work/job performed by the employee/s.

i.Agencies may adopt other alternative work arrangements that are appropriate/applicable to their functions as well as their place of work other than the above-enumerated work arrangements.

ii.Agencies may use a combination of the above enumerated work arrangements or a combination with the other work arrangements it adopted, such as three-day workweek and 2 days work-from-home arrangement to complete the 40-hour workweek.

Absence from work due to Quarantine/ Treatment:

The fourteen (14) calendar days required quarantine/ treatment period shall be considered an excused absence.

Supporting Documents:

Letter-request for Travel Authority -2 copies

Duly approved Leave Application -3 copies

[Signatory for Approving Authority, 7.C Leave Application, refer to the table below]

Regional Clearance -2 copies

[Template attached, CS Form No. 7, Revised 2018]

Duly accomplished City/Provincial Clearance -2 copies

[Same form with the Regional Clearance, CS Form No. 7, Revised 2018]

Further, to avoid delay/inconvenience and give the approving authority sufficient time to evaluate the request, all request for travel authority must be submitted and received by the personnel section prior to the scheduled date of departure and a written justification letter (2 copies) must be submitted by the concerned party if the request did not comply with the workings days lead time (refer to the table below).

Regular Monetization

Officials and Employees who have accumulated (15 days) of vacation leave credits shall be allowed to monetize a minimum of ten (10) days: Provided, that at least five (5) days is retained after monetization and provided further that a maximum of thirty (30) days may be monetized in a given year

Special Monetization

Monetization of 50% of all accumulated vacation/ sick leave credits due to valid and justifiable reasons such as:

1.Health, Medical and Hospital needs

2.Financial Aid brought about by force majeure events

3.Educational needs

4.Payments of mortgages

5.Extreme financial need where present salary is not enough

6.Other cases as me be determined by the Commission.

Sec. 24 Computation of Leave Credits


Monthly Salary x No. of days to be monetized x CF([12 months/249 days]0.0481927) = Money value of the monetized leave


LGOO VI = P 65,319.00 (Monthly Salary) x 10 (days) x 0.0481927 (CF) = P 31,478.99



LC as of July : VL = 30.699 ; SL = 40.833

Total = 71.532

Monetization : VL = 30-5=25 (Mone)

: 50% = 71.532/2 = 35.766

= 35 (Mone)

VL : 30.699 (25) = 5.699

50% : VL = 30.699(25) = 5.699

SL = 40.833 (10) = 30.833


  1. Application Letter (2 copies)

a) for those who wished to avail of the special monetization.

–Supporting documents

–Authorization letter (2 copies)

2. Leave Application (2 copies)

a)Recommending Approval (PD/CD); Approval (RD)

Monday Convocation is scheduled every other week. All Divisions are required to present a 2-week accomplishment report through AVP.


  1. Download the Wondershare Filmora Installer through this link:

  2. Open the file after downloading and install

  3. Open the program using the icon found in the desktop


Prior to the creation of any AVP for the Monday Convocation, focal persons must make a 40-second script summarizing what the activity is about, where and when it was conducted, and who were the participants. All script must be accomplished on or before Wednesday, the week before the Monday Convocation, to give time for the next steps.

Access the script through Google Drive > 00 Admin Related > LGMED Monday Convocation > Convocation AVP

Audio Recording

The scripts will then be read and recorded by the assigned LGMED member and uploaded to the working folder. The Audio recording will serve as the base file of the AVP video.


During activities attended and/or conducted it is important to take photos and video snippets which will be used later in the creation of the AVP.


LGMED focal persons are responsible for the creation of the AVP of their accomplishments. After each of the AVPs are rendered they must be uploaded to the working folder to be compiled by the assigned LGMED member.

How to make an AVP:

  1. Download the file template through this link:

  2. Open Wondershare Filmora found on the Desktop

  3. Click File > Open > Locate the file template and press OK